Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Dissemination du projet

Dans un programme de la télévision locale, CANAL 7, j'ai été invitée aujourd’hui le 10 janvier 2006 de 19:30 a 20:30, pour présenter les projets européens dans lesquels je travaille.
L’émission a eu une durée d’une heure et j’ai pu présenter le contenu de notre projet Grundtvig 2 TIC-TAC, ce que nous avons déjà achevé ensemble.
J’ai fait mention de nos réunions de projet, celle de Cherbourg qui a eu déjà lieu et celle de Rome ou nous allons nous rencontrer et ou nous allons faire des échanges sur notre expérience.
J’ai présenté l’équipe avec laquelle je travaille, celle du Centre Départemental d’Assistance Psychopédagogique et le Centre Départemental pour l’Emploi.
J’ai présenté l’importance de participer dans des projets européennes, l’impact, la possibilité d ’améliorer nos compétences linguistiques, l’utilisation de la TIC , les échanges professionnelles très importantes
Toute l’émission a été enregistrée sur une cassette vidéo et je vais la copier sur on CD.
January 10th , 2006
TL Plus Baia Mare
Program : The Learning City

Moderator : Corina Sandor
Guest : Mariana Hudrea, teacher of English, coordinator if international projects and director, SC Info Project SRL.
Topic: European Projects (conditions pf participation, benefits) , the importance of the study of foreign languages in a common Europe

January and February are two months in which the coordinators of European projects are very busy as February 1st is the deadline for Comenius projects and March 1st is the deadline for Grundtvig projects.
R: What kind of projects are being made and which are the benefits?
01:31- This program could be an invitation for teachers to submit project proposals
The structure of the European projects: Socrates (Comenius, Grundtvig ,etc.) , Leonardo da Vinci and Youth.
Comenius projects are dedicated to pre-university education while Grundtvig projects are dedicated to adult education.
04:02 - Presentation of the project Borderline-
http://borderlin-com1.blogspot.com and http://cnme-borderline.blogspot.com
04:27 –R: How can the European programs be accessed? Why are there schools without projects?
05:16 – Benefits?
The opportunity to present your own country abroad.
The opportunity to improve the image of your country abroad.
The possibility of traveling abroad and learning things and discovering new countries.
06:00 – Description of the project Comenius Borderline; partners’ description; project reunion in France, November 2005.
Benefits for the school: the director had the opportunity to visit a modern school in France. He saw the Documentary Center, the organization of the school.
Another benefit is the teamwork.
08:00 – All the partners come to better know their own countries and the partner countries.
10:10 – The us of the Blog as a didactic tool- the possibility of publishing the students’ essays on the Internet.
Language of communication: English.
10:58 – The promotion of the study of foreign languages in Europe: the European citizens must learn foreign languages. The citizens from Eastern European countries speak very well several European languages.
11:45- In a common Europe we have to communicate among us
12:15 – I advised the French students to learn several foreign languages.
12:40 – Presentation of the project TIC-TAC (
http://g2project.blogspot.com), language of communication: French. Cooperation with CJAPP and AJOFM. The aim of the project is to study how ICT can help unemployed people to find a job.
13:20 – Ioana Pop will participate at the project meeting from Rome.
14:05- Project meeting in Cherbourg. TIC TAC G2 project.
14:17- preparations for the project meeting from Italy.
So far we have elaborated a study addressed to people searching for a job to see if they use computers for finding a job.
Partners in the project are CJAPP and AJOFM.
15:35- There will be promoted a course for unemployed people in the second year of the project.
16:10 Grundtvig 1-ITEM- This project has a solid practical aspect as we are involved in producing an online course for ICT specialists.
Following the study developed in 2004- 2005 regarding the level of English as a communication tool we have discovered that the ICT specialists need such a course to improve their communicative skills in English.
Daniela Buda and Claudia Lupoian are collaborators in this project.
How are the collaborators selected? According to their wish to dedicate time to a new experience.
The partners come from Bulgaria, Hungary, Great Britain and the Check Republic.
18:30- The course piloting- May 2006
R:Which is the contribution of GB?
Linguistic expertise.We are sure we will produce a high quality product.
19:25- R: Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania are countries in which English is a foreign language. How is it to produce a an English course?
In these countries there are very good specialists in English, appreciated by the British Council.
20:01- The coordinator is from Hungary.
20:10 – Kate Fazekas is coordinating large teams of specialists in several projects.
20:25- the site of the project is very good.
20:45- The work for G1ITEM helped Daniela in learning how to use AEL program in her school.
21:19- another benefit is the team work

21:28- the description of the school from Ravoire, France and the way money is directed to schools in France . In the last 15 years in France there have been built very modern schools. Both students and teachers are calm and with smiling faces, compare d to Romanian teachers who have financial difficulties.
23-40 – But teachers are dedicated to their profession and they try to do their job.
In the French school the students read everywhere: on the staircase, in study rooms or in the Documentary Centers.
The students have their meals in the canteens together with the school staff. The local authorities sponsor the meals. There is a very well organized self-service system.
R: What didn’t you like in France?
I visited France during the riots in the suburbs. The explanation came that in school with parents belonging to the middle class, with a stable job, there are no problems. But in families of unemployed or in families with problems, the children have problems in their turn.
28:00 – By participating in European projects one learns a lot of things: how to travel, how to manage lost luggage problems, how to adapt to the customs of each country.
22:50 – Smoking is forbidden in all means of transport in France.
The strong relationship between school and family. The parents are strongly involved in the education of their children.
31:50 In Romania there have been created students’ associations. This partnership was active during the teachers’ strike in November 2005.
The message is that the whole society is invited to support school and education.

35:00 Leonardo da Vinci project- Evaluation Tools in Vocational Education.
There is a difference in perception of the term in Romania where the technical education is not included in vocational education while all over Europe it is.
Info Project is a subcontractor in the project having the task of disseminating the project. Last year we elaborated a study on the way the modern evaluation tools are known and to what extent they are used in the schools from Romania.
On the site of the Romanian Ministry of Education there are very good things. In theory the Romanians are very good.
Via the Analysis Study we realized that all the teachers who had participated in training courses are aware of the new tendencies in evaluation, while the others know practically nothing about that.
36:50- The team coordinating the Leo project is the same team that coordinated the G1-ITEM project.
37:00 – we are just involved in dissemination
We will continue the dissemination activities by participating at a new Congress, in Istanbul, organized by Istanbul University. In May 2005 we participated at a Congress in Istanbul where we presented the European projects. The interest was big, as these projects have been recently launched in Turkey.
Will teachers be able to use these new evaluation tools?
The product is being made exactly for this purpose.
What subjects could use such tools?
All subjects.
39:20_ The coordinating institution from Hungary organizes courses of ICT for disabled people, for example. We visited this school in 2003 and we were impressed by it.
This project meets the requirements in modern evaluation today.

40:00- Grundtvig 2 projects- The history of the project at the School of Arts from Baia Mare, a follow up of a previous G2 project. The same thing happened with Patre Dulfu County Library from Baia Mare which is also involve d in a G2 project as a continuation of the previous G2 project coordinated by us: “Active involvement in Nationl and European projects of retired or newly retired people”.
43:25_ Esperando Association, as association for disabled people also benefited of consultancy from Info Project.
43:35: we offer consultancy for European projects to all the people interested.
44:14- R: How can be written good projects?
44:28 - The secret is to speak foreign languages and to use the computer as a communication tool.
45:44 – These projects are not only for teachers of foreign languages. A good example is the European Schoolnet where one can see projects developed by teachers of Math, Physics, and Chemistry. I had been involved in an evaluation team for E-Awards and I noticed that there are many Romanian teachers of different subjects involved in creating websites.
47:28- We organize courses of foreign languages
47:43- There are 3 centers of foreign languages in Baia Mare: ECHO. EDUCONS and INFO PROJECT.
48:08 – Info Project has established a partnership with ECHO for promoting TOEIC and TFI tests.
In cooperation with the French Cultural Center from Cluj Napoca we organize courses of French for people willing to go to Canada.
48:36- Today, the learning of foreign languages is a must.
We do not mean only English. The European citizens must learn French and other European languages.51:00-R: As a conclusion, the Learning City is also learning through projects and foreign languages.


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